Uutisia 2024 / News 2024

*25.11.2024 M. Stormwind Willet DNA test: EEBb, carries brown no yellow

*28.9.2024 MIKKELI, judge Pasi Puttonen

M. Willow Warbler NOU 1 / qualified in the field

*17.9.2024 RIP M. Winter Snowdrop -Arvi

Lämmin osanotta Maarit 💔

*8.9.2024 PORVOO, judge Mats Jonsson

FI JVA & VMVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 1  / Vet class EXL 1

*7.9.2024 HELSINKI, judge Nina Janger, FI

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet VAL ERI 1, SA, VSP Nord-sert / Ch class EXL 1, CQ, BOS, Nord-CC

FI MVA M. Lily-of-the-Valley VET ERI 1, PN-1, Vet-sert -> VMVA, Nord-sert, vet nord-sert, ROP, ROP-vet / BOB, BOB-vet, nord-CC, vet Nord-CC, vet-CC -> Vet ch
M. Little Skylark KÄY Eri 1, sa, PN-3, vara-sert / working class EXL 1, CQ, BB-3, res-CC
M. Noble Seabird AVO ERI 1, open class EXL 1
M. Snow Bunting AVO EH 2 / open class VG 2

Kasvattajaluokka / breeder class 1 KP


*1.9.2024 KOUVOLA, blood tracking, Kymen kennelpiirin pm koe,  judge Antti Koski 

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet VOI 1, 46 p. sijoitus 3. / 1st prize in winning class with 46 points, 3rd place

*25.8.2024 MIEHIKKÄLÄ, blood tracking, judge Mikko Ahti

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet VOI 1, 48 p. / 1st prize in winning class with 48 points

M. Noble Seabird AVO 1, 48 p. avoimen luokan paras -kieropalkinto / 1st prize in open class with 48 points


*18.8.2024 HEINOLA, judge Maja Bubalo

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 1, SA, PU4, vara-sert  / Vet class EXL 1, CQ, BD-4, res-CC

*17.8.2024 KOUVOLA, judge Pawel Osak

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 1, SA, PU2, vara-sert, vet-sert – > FI VMVA  / Vet class EXL 1, CQ, BD-2, res-CC, Vet-CC -> Veteran Ch

M. Wild Woodcock AVO EH 3 / open class VG 3


*17.8.2024 KIRKKONUMMI, agility, judge Anne Savioja

M. Water Pipit agility rata: 2*nolla tulos sijoituksilla 2., hyppyrata: nollatulos, sijoitus 5.

*11.8.2024 KOUVOLA, blood tracking, judge Pasi Kemppainen

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet VOI 2, 32 p. / 2nd prize in winning class with 32 points

*11.8.2024 Mäntsälä, judge Lotta Vuorinen, FI

M. Snow Bunting AVO ERI 2 / open class EXL 2


*10.8.2024 Luumäki, judge Jaana Kummala, FI

M. Little Skylark KÄY ERI 1, SA, PN1, SERTI, ROP / working class EXL 1, CQ, BB-1, CC, BOB
M. Snow Bunting AVO ERI 1, SA, PN2, vara-serti / open class EXL 1, CQ, BB-1, res-CC


*4.8.2024 VESILAHTI, judge Reia Leikola-Walden, FI

M. Snow Bunting AVO EH 1  / open class VG 1

*3.8.2024 HEINOLA, Championship of Finnish flatcoated retriever society

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet 3. näyttelyosuudessa 4 p. /  3rd in show with 4 points, judge Anu Vorobjev
nome-b: AVO 1, AVO-luokan paras kiertopalkinto / 1st prize in open class, the best open class fcr, judge Pasi Majuri
Kokonaistulos 5 p.

M. Little Skylark ALO 0 / no prize in beginners class, judge Juha Tenhunen

*28.7.2024 KOUVOLA, judge Maija Mäkinen,FI

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI, SA, vet-sert / Vet class EXL 1, CQ, Vet-CC

*20.-21.7.2024 VALKEALA, field trial

M. Little Skylark ALO 0 / no prize in beginners class, judge Pekka Uusimäki

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet AVO 2 / 2nd prize in open class, judge AP Fontell

*6.7.2024 JUVA, judge Paavo Mattila,FI

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 2, SA, PU4, vara-sert / Vet class EXL 2, BD4, res-CC

photo Aino Toivonen

*6.7.2023 PIEKSÄMÄKI, field trial, judge Jari Hartikainen

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet AVO 0 / no prize in open class

*30.62024 LAPPEENRANTA, blood tracking, judge Mari Myllynen

FI MVA & JVA M. Stormwind Willet VOI 1, 41 p. / 1st prize in winning class with 41 points

*29.6.2024 TURKU, judge Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari, FI

FI MVA M. Lily-of-the-Valley VET ERI 1, PN-3, BOS-Vet, Vet-sert, Cacib-V / BB-3, BOS-Vet, Vet-CC, Cacib-v

M. Water Pipit AVO ERI 2 / Open class EXL 2







*15.6.2024 VIROLAHTI, judge Vincent O’Brien

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet KÄY ERI 1, SA, PU1, VSP, SERT -> FI MVA / BD-1, BOS, CC -> FICh

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 1, SA, PU3, ROP-VET, Vet-SERT, vara-sert / BOB Vet, BD-3, Vet-CC, res- CC

M. Little Skylark KÄY ERI 1, SA, PN2, vara-serti / BB-2, res-CC

photo Sari Hagström








26.5.2024 KONTIOLAHTI, judge Marie Petersen

FI JVA M. Silver Foxglove VET ERI 1 / Vet class EXL

*19.5.2024 KOUVOLA, judge Salt Dominic, GB

M. Snow Bunting AVO EH / open class VG

*19.5.2024 TAIPALSAARI, Behaviour test, judges Tapio Knuutinen & Paula Immonen

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet + 144 p. laukaisuvarma

*18.5.2024 MÄNTYHARJU, judge Harri Stockmari, FI

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet KÄY ERI 1, SA, PU1, Sert, ROP / BD-1, CC, BOB

*12.5.2024 KOUVOLA, blood tracking, judge Pasi Kemppainen

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet

VOI 1, 44 p. / 1st prize in winning class with 44 points

*11.5.2024 LOVIISA, judge Viveca Lahokoski, FI

FI MVA M. Lily-of-the-Valley VET ERI 1, SA, PN1, VSP, ROP-Vet, Vet-sert

M. Snow Bunting AVO ERI 3/ open class EXL 3

M. Water Pipit AVO ERI 2 / open class EXL 2



*6.5.2024 KIRKKONUMMI, agility, judge Arto Laitinen

M. Water Pipit places 5th with 5 fauls points, 9th with 27 fauls points and one no results

*5.5.2024 IITTI, blood tracking, judge Tuovi Henttu-Torckell

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet

VOI 1, 46 p. / 1st prize in winning class with 46 points

*21.4.2024 JOENSUU, obedience, judge Harri Laisi

RTK1 M. Winter Snowdrop ALO1, 195 p. / 1st prize in beginners class with 195 points

*21.4.2024 KOTKA, judge Tarja Löfman, FI

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet KÄY ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERTI, VSP / working class EXL 1, CQ, BD1, CC, BOS

M. Noble Seabird AVO ERI 2 / open class EXL 2

M. Little Skylark KÄY ERI 1, SA, PN 3 / working class EXL 1, BB-3

*20.4.2024 JOENSUU, obedience, judge Harri Laisi

RTK1 M. Winter Snowdrop ALO1, 192 p. / 1st prize in beginners class with 192 points

*23.3.2024 JOENSUU, rally-ob, judge Taru Leskinen

M. Winter Snowdrop qualified with 80 points in beginners class -> RTK1

*23.3.2024 LAHTI, judge Reia Leikola-Walden, FI

FI JVA M. Stormwind Willet KÄY ERI 1, SA ,vara-serti / Working class EXL 1, CQ, res-cc

M. Snow Bunting AVO ERI 1 / open class EXL 1

*16.3.2024 LIPERI, obedience test, judge Susanna Lappalainen

M. Winter Snowdrop ALO 2, 151 p. / 2nd prize in beginners class with 151 points

*9.3.2024 KUOPIO, rally-ob, judge Tarja Hiissa

M. Winter Snowdrop

qualified with 77 points in beginners class

*17.2.2024 JOENSUU, rally-ob, judge Jenni Susi

M. Winter Snowdrop qualified with 90 points in beginners class